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Property Valuation Service in Bihar

Are you searching for Property Valuation Service in Bihar? We are providing VISA Purpose property Valuation from Government Approved Property Valuer in Patna, Bihar. Get Connect with us as we are the Nearest Property Valuer in Bihar State. Get you Property Valuation Report for VISA in 3 Hours.

Contact us if you need a valuation report for your visa application in Bihar.

Looking for Property Valuer in Patna, Bihar?

Property Valuation in Patna, Bihar

Property Valuation Service in Bihar can be obtained for Immovable Property located in Bihar State. Immovable Property Valuation can be generate for Agriculture Land, Residential Land and Building, Commercial and Industrial land and building in Patna, Bihar. Connect with us for your Patna Based Property Valuation for VISA. We are the leading Property Valuer across India. Further, We Provide Chartered Engineers Valuation Report for VISA Purpose, Income Tax Purpose, Selling Purpose, Loan Purpose etc. for Haryana Based Property.

Contact us to assess the value of your property in Bihar, verified by government-approved evaluators.

Services Available in Patna Bihar

VISA Valuation Service in Patna Bihar

Government Approved Property Valuer in Bihar

What are the Documents required for Property Valuation in Bihar?

Bihar For Residential House, Bungalow, Flat, Tenement, Shop & Commercial Spaces etc – Tax Bill or Index Copy or Sale Agreement or Power of Attorney (Document Must Specify Name of Owner and Area of Property)

Agriculture Land – 7/12 or 8A Record –  State Record

Other Property – Sale Agreement

Language of Documents We Consider –  Local , Hindi, English.

Charges for Property Valuation in Bihar

Property Valuation Certificate for VISA Purpose Charges Rs. 3500/- Per Property.

Other Purpose – Call us for Charges

Discover the property appraisal services available in Bihar
Current Property Valuation Trends in Bihar for the Fiscal Year 2024-25

Based on the most recent survey conducted by engineers and architects regarding property values in Bihar, we have determined the range of valuation per square meter/feet through thorough analysis.

  1. Agriculture Land was assessed in January 2024
  2. Urban Land in February 2024
  3. Buildings/Houses with Land in March 2024
  4. Flats or Apartments in April 2024
  5. Shops and Commercial rates in January 2024